Sunday, January 22, 2012

Coconut Oil

This stuff is amazing!! Only 5.99 and I have been using it to cook with, as lotion and lip balm, and as hair trearment. I totally recommend it!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Frozen Steelcut Oatmeal

I do not recommend this unless you want watery oatmeal, I am disappointed. It cost 1.69 for two bowls but still not worth it. I would recommend getting steelcut oats and making it yourself. Much better (and it is actually less expensive)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wintry Blend Coffee

Ok it has been a hot minute since I last posted. I love this coffee. It's the best time of year at Trader Joe's because of all the great things that they have and this is no exception. It is sprinkled with peppercorns and other spices to give it a nice flavor. It is also pre-ground so that the spices are distributed through out it evenly. Do not make the mistake of putting it in the coffee grinders at TJs. My first container this year was ruined because of the taste of whatever coffee the person before me ground up. This batch has been wonderful though!
Try it! Love it!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goats Milk Gouda Cheese

So I believe that I posted about another Goats milk gouda (  This one is the original! Just really good and really rich. I have used it for grilled cheese, a turkey sandwich, and just having a slice of cheese!

Rigatoni alla Sicilina

This stuff was really good AND really easy to make. I literally threw it in a saucepan and heated it up. This is a vegetarian dish but it does have cheese. One thing to keep in mind is that you have to wait for all the cheese to melt. I definitely recommend it!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Organic Popping Corn

Probably the healthiest way to pop popcorn is in a hot air popper. I have had one for ages but had gotten lazy and was just buying microwave popcorn (although it was from TJs, popping it myself means less ingredients) when I stumbled across this in the "new" section a few/several months ago. Really good basic popping corn, and it's organic. I would definitely recommend purchasing it!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Joes Dark Coffee

This stuff is pretty darn good for 4.99! Has a lot of flavor, sold as whole beans so you can grind the coffee to your preferred consistency. I use it in my french press, ground coarsely. If you don't have a coffee grinder (like me), they actually have one in-store, right next to the coffee. Definitely worth it!